
Its mixed platform game

MehMoh is a mixed-platform game where players explore their real world (in 3D) and a memory world (in 2.5D). To recover lost memories, players solve physics-based puzzles, with changes in the 3D world affecting the 2.5D memory world.


In MehMoh, players navigate between a 3D real world and a 2.5D memory world. To retrieve lost memories, they must solve physics puzzles. Actions in the 3D world impact the memory world, creating a dynamic, interactive experience.

level Design

Our approach to level design was heavily influenced by user testing. We created levels that allowed players to progress gradually, ensuring that each puzzle was appropriate for the developmental stage of children aged 4+.

Key Screen

Final Screens. Game UI. Assets



Building “Little Lights” wasn’t just about making it look pretty—it was about making the gameplay enjoyable and meaningful for the users. Minimalism in design played a key role, as it allowed us to focus on the essential elements that mattered most to the players.

While the game’s aesthetic was visually attractive, we focused on usability by providing relevant, actionable insights at the right time. For example, we designed helpful hints to guide players when they seemed stuck but without interrupting the flow of the game.

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+1 561.679.7033

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