She Is Waiting

An Interactive installation to redefine the meaning of architectural space using projection mapping tech.

Design Brief

“The purpose of the project was to come up with an installation inside the college premises."

She is waiting is a physical installation done for a college event. It is an interactive installation based on the principle of mixed reality, which tries to enhance the meaning of an architectural space. This project initially started with mixed reality experimentation where virtual objects play with real space, walls, and depth according to the movement of the user. In this game, we selected the wall which has a door as the game area. Players were provided with a joystick and keyboard which controlled the player's movement. The game is about navigating the character through the maze and directing him to his girl.

Game Play

Making of She is Waiting

The video (below) showcases our initial explorations involving Projection Mapping techniques, which revealed to us the problems regarding lighting, shadow, and issues of perspective. We chose the DGD Meeting room at the National Institute of Design, Banglore, India which provided us a challenging setting for the gaming experience.

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